Wednesday, October 10, 2018

// CNN, Kanye West was called a “token negro” and a “dumb negro”// CNN is full blown RACIST //


 Candace Owens and 2 others liked
Hodgetwins react , was called a “token negro” and a “dumb negro”. CNN is full blown RACIST.


// These hateful people on CNN called Kanye West a “Dumb Negro” and a “Token Negro” // He said Supporting Trump is what happens when blacks don’t read // CNN allowed this kind of language and Don Dirty Lemonade laughed! //

  1. These hateful people on CNN called Kanye West a “Dumb Negro” and a “Token Negro”. He said Supporting Trump is what happens when blacks don’t read. CNN allowed this kind of language and Don Dirty Lemonade laughed!


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