Friday, October 19, 2018
Tammy Moorer Trial. What the Heck, How can a Defendant Ask Questions from the Witness Booth ??? This JUDGE got to be a JUDGE .. !!
This Judge has got to do a better Job of have her answer the questions and
nothing more. As Nancy said, "Tammy to be more professional, as our witnesses
were. " Not all this you have sex too. Read Heather's Diary." Come On Judge.
Do your JOB. " Tammy cannot ask questions. However, shes asked several
question ?? This JUDGE Needs to Pay Attention to what is being said by the Defendant. Good Lord ....... Do Your Job JUDGE ........ And I pray Lord, The
State, Prosecutor, get her Lord.
The Prosecutor needs to say to Tammy Moorer, " You don't understand, I ask
the Question, Not You. " Wake that JUDGE Up Someone !!
JUDGE is asleep ............ Come on man ....
Please God Don't let him be another Judge Dennis ...
Tammy Moorer Defense is killing me ... ( long talks about nothing ... their witnesses know nothing ... ) Which is good ..
Prosecution has: The affair, threats, calls, Handcuffing SM to the bed, phone pings, texts, more threat's, missing person last talked to SM, house surveillance cctv videos, & business cctv video of their truck, missing truck GPS, The Moorers located by their own phone pings, the only vehicle on the road that night matches theirs, the pregnancy test, call from a Payphone, lying to police her husband, her lies, her fake boyfriend, she was jealous and enraged by HE, ect ...
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Video Archives of the Tammy Moorer Trial Thus Far ..
Heather Elvis Case. Tammy Moorer Sister Lying or Sidney Moorer Lying.
The Defense Witness Ashley Caison, Tammy's sister, was shown pictures of the Moorer's
bedroom from 2013 allegedly and said there were no bedpost. ( ?? ) She also stated she
remembers it like this. This I'm guessing so the defense can say Sidney was never
handcuffed to the bed. As no bedpost. However, .............
One problem with that is, Sidney Moorer himself told Police he was Handcuffed to
the bed at night. For 6 months as punishment for the affair with Heather Elvis.
Plus Sidney used this Alibi in Court at a Bond Hearing 2 years ago ..
These people lie all the darn time ...