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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 She doesn’t have any real convictions, but just tries to follow whatever she feels has support at the time, whether it’s locking people up or defunding the police. She’s no leader!

Kamala Harris

  Define Defund and educate yourself on how long it takes to train a Police Officer. They need proper training, skills, and it takes years. Training and Experience is what counts. - Some today still say," Where are the Police? " Uneducated people cannot remember 2020, omg. You demonized every Police Officers. They quit or some retired if they had enough time in.

It takes 5 years to be considered a seasoned Officer.

The US has a sever shortage of Police Officers.

No Thanks to people like Kamala Harris and other Democrats

saying, "Defund the Police."

BLM and Woke both said that, ' It was a mistake to say Defund the Police.'

If not for the Police - the inner cities would tear themselves apart.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Concorde Flight-N.Y. to London with detailed Captain's commentary 2003 (...

My mind is still blown away by this, 1310mph and not a ripple in the
glass of champagne, humans are incredible in what they
have achieved.

Random Acts Of Kindness That Will Make You Cry!


(Cockpit Recordings) F-16 gets hit by SAM..Pilot Ejects


you can tell the wingman SOLID, really spoke up for the younger guy
when he couldnt.

Great video. Would like to see where the enemy lines were, airbase
he was trying to get to, etc.

way to stay cool under pressure.

Killing Bin Laden | 60 Minutes Full Episodes

Comments : 

He explained every thing with so much clarity that it felt
I was there myself.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024

 So many people said Trump was stupid to debate on CNN. But it’s Biden who unraveled in front of the nation under the conditions that his side set.

The FBI and Media Don’t Tell You How Many Lives Guns SAVE

A good guy with a gun doesn't fit their narrative. The people telling you that a good guy with a gun can’t help lower crime also tell y...