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Friday, November 24, 2023

 Woke @ BLM has gotten more people killed than any other organization in history. Brown on Brown shootings and killings keep going up!! Not one Brown person in the inner cities ever got money from BLM to move to a safer place. BLM got Millions. Michael Brown Family suing BLM over money.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Just because you gave up doesn’t mean God gave up. He doesn’t abandon dreams. He doesn’t start something and not finish it.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Angry Young Black QUEEN FORCES Pilot To Shut Down Plane. Africans Americans telling it like it is.

Acting the way she did on a plane is actually a federal offense and
she should have been charged a lot more, that's the problem with
our Judicial System, they're not punishing people for doing stuff
they're not supposed to be doing.

Every person that was told to get off the plane should be complaining
to the airline. It is absolutely ridiculous to make everyone suffer to
appease one person.

"Non Binary" DUI Driver FREAKS OUT When She's MISGENDERED By COP!

This is sickening. This person could have killed someone while driving
drunk, and it's worried about pronouns. Unfreakingbelievable. 🙄    

That cop did such a fantastic job of staying cool, being direct and
trying to be respectful. Good job sir!

This is sickening. This person could have killed someone while driving.

WOKE Author READS "Non Binary Children's Book" to TODDLERS


Monday, November 13, 2023


The 15 kids that killed 17-year-old Johnathan Lewis over a nicotine packet don’t represent the Black community. What took place was barbaric and shouldn’t happen in a country of equality. I’m going to be very real for a second. Not everyone that attacked him was black but the black children will be the focus for narrative purposes. I really wish ignorant black people knew how hard they make people like me have to work. When stories like this murder go viral white people will rightfully question or state that they are being racially attacked. The same goes for if the boy was black and the 15 boys were white. It would be shared by every major black influencer. I’m sure the white people that are fighting for peace wish ignorant white people knew how hard they make their jobs as well. When Ronald Regan was shot in an assassination attempt in 1981 he stated in the operating room: Reagan removed his oxygen mask to joke, “Please tell me you’re Republicans.” The doctors and nurses laughed, and said “we are today Mr. President.” This shows that even then there was a massive divide. This divide exist because ‘that’s not our guy’ mentality is the fuel that keeps politics burning. I am praying for the family of that young man and to the people that create the narrative, to the people that create the news, before you do anything remember that the world is watching. Lewis died because he was allegedly standing up for one of his smaller friends, a true hero at heart. Death sentence to everyone involved.
0:18 / 1:11

 It want be long now. God will clean up this mess. Democrats, Liberals,
criminals have ruined so many lives. Where is Woke and BLM on this ??

Where is the News Media ??!!

Massive brawl breaks out at Torrance mall

Monday, November 6, 2023

HOW could they let it GO THIS FAR?!

Battleships of the Wyoming Class

Deep Intel on Israel's Offensive Into Gaza

This was the most level-headed and comprehensive rundown
on the conflict that I’ve heard to-date. Hat’s off.

Finally, facts and not sensationalism. This is how the mainstream
media should be. Ward is more informative of what’s really going
on than any news show. Thank you Ward.

I'm so glad people like Ward exist. Able to just provide a cool, concise,
and unbiased approach to such an enflamed issue, in a mature and
informative way. We need a lot more people like you sir. Thank you

That was a great historical and military analysis of the entire situation
in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. I know that that took a trememndous
amount of work to prepare and I would only hope that your channel gets
viewed by many more parties over the coming days. Great job.

The FBI and Media Don’t Tell You How Many Lives Guns SAVE

A good guy with a gun doesn't fit their narrative. The people telling you that a good guy with a gun can’t help lower crime also tell y...