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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Deep Intel on the US F-16 Strike into Syria

Mr. Carroll, I hope you realize that you provide some of the
absolute highest quality content and reporting of any
individual or organization out there. That is just a fact. Thank you for doing what you do!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Liberals MELTDOWN After King of Jordan GOES FULL TRUMP And SHUTS DOWN Th...


I wish our people would WAKE UP, and see the wisdom of closing the borders.

Borders ought to be closed immediately in America. There is literally no excuse to argue against this. This should be a zero tolerance thing right
Smart!!!! Keep speaking the truth Officer Tatum. Trump MAGA 2024.

We are letting in people that hate us and our way of life.

Wrongfully Convicted Man Leonard Cure Shot by Police JUSTIFIED!


Tasers do Not work most of the time. 

As a black man, I stand with the officer on this.

I can’t believe people have the nerve to say it was the officers fault.

As a retired flight nurse and former LE who was involved in an OIS, my
heart breaks for this officer. He was totally justified, not a single doubt
in my mind. Unfortunately because of a single idiot, this officer well
never have a day of complete peace for the rest of his life. I know, I live it. Pray for this and every other officer!
Y’all stay safe and have a blessed day!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

 Innocent people do not burn down Stash Houses.



However, Timothy Shaun Taylor did. Because he's not innocent. 

Nor are several of his friends. 

 What better way to Kidnap girls from Myrtle Beach and other Beaches when you 

can ride around in a "Tow Truck" and spot and call the Van into grab the victims. 

Like they tried to do with Randa Massey. Only a year after taking another girl. 


Shaun Taylor set fire to a drug house to protect himself and others.
They kidnapped many of young girls and brought them here.
McClellanville, SC. The FBI had only street names of others involved.
Foot, Homie, Rooster, Skills, QB, Cruz, 40, etc. Trafficking Ring.
After a year went by, Shaun Taylor found out the FBI had all 7
real names, he immediately burned it to the ground. He knew 2 or
3 might roll. Listen to what he says. He hangs his own self by his words
alone. ( 1:30 - 2:30 he's arguing with a lady about the other drug house,
trespassing signs, Shaun is nervous and upset with her, he and the lady
exchange heated words. then at the end from 4:40 till the end, shaun
says." Damn I should have parked the Lexus over there, his son says
move it now, Shaun replies, " that fire to hot for that now." )


Shaun knew some would snitch. Roll to save themselves.

**Many people do not buy the Raymond Moody story the Feds told.

Number # 1: in 2012 they told us Moody was in Jail and couldn't
have taken her.
# 2: Da'shaun Taylor told the FBI of 2 men in McClellanville arguing
over Brittanee Drexel Cellphone.
# 3: Countless other Witnesses gave statements bout the Taylors and
others Kidnapping girls.
# 4: Detectives had 4 names of who took Drexel. 2 Eyewitnesses gave
signed Statements and passed all polygraph test. Just like Brown did.
# 5: Sold her in Georgetown, North Charleston and McClellanville.
The FBI testified to the above.
# 6: Burning the Stash house to the ground with his face & voice on
Video. - which he later deleted..
# 7: Shaun Taylor by his own hand, "Corroborated" everything
several other witnesses had told Detectives and the FBI.

Why would Shaun burn a house to the ground of he was so innocent??
Then - delete the video after 30 minutes??!! Guilty .......

The FBI was so busy Removing Detectives off the Case instead of working
with the Detectives to solve it. Shameful. Dragged it out for 12 years for a reason.

Detectives had 4 names of who took Drexel. 2 Eyewitnesses gave signed
Statements and passed all polygraph test. Just like Brown did.
Detectives threatened with Arrest. WTH. If they even talked with these
4 men. .... Hogwash .... !

*Also, everyone was told in 2012 Raymond Moody was in Jail at the
time Drexel went missing. It was on the TV set for 2 weeks straight.
How can he be in 2 places at once?? MK Ultra.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Know that God is pleased with you right where you are. He’s not shaking His head because you’re still dealing with some things. He’s the One that’s going to help you get free. Why don’t you accept yourself while He’s changing you.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

 If you’ll start praying, “God, come in. Let me feel Your presence; show me Your greatness” then you’ll have peace that passes understanding, hope when you should be distraught, joy when you could be discouraged.

You’re drawing in what you’re thinking about. If you’re telling yourself, “This problem is too big; I’ll never make it through.” You’re defeating yourself. Turn it around. “Yes, this is difficult, but God, I know You’re on the throne.”

 White slavery began between the 15th and 19th centuries. Between 1530 and 1780, between 1 million and 1.25 million white, European Christians were enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast. Barbary pirates captured these Europeans and sold them as slaves in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Candace Owens SCHOOLS black people, "White People Ended Slavery."


I'm a South African, who is a History graduate that did their final
year research paper on Slavery. She's 100% right. It's sad that many
don't know this.

It is so sad we live in a time that spreading hate through lies is more important than the actual truth.

Whites were Slaves also. Educate Yourself.


All Races have been Slaves throughout Human History. Educate Yourself.

I'm black American and I knew from grade school that whites were sent
to America as indentured slaves. But your presentation really helped me
to better understand how the term "indentured slave" was just sugar
coating the fact that the Irish were slaves and if they had a contract, it
could be easily sold to the next slave owner. Due to slave rebellions, it
made sence to disallow the enslavement of white people at some point,
so that the slave owners would not be out numbered. Wealth and greed
ruled back than and it still rules today.

 Educate yourself.  Be informed.  

The FBI and Media Don’t Tell You How Many Lives Guns SAVE

A good guy with a gun doesn't fit their narrative. The people telling you that a good guy with a gun can’t help lower crime also tell y...